Explore the Ways of Installing a Luxury Sauna and Why You Should Have One at Home

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For centuries, saunas have been cherished as relaxation, purification, and rejuvenation spaces. These heat-filled chambers provide benefits for both the body and mind. 

Whether it’s a traditional Finnish sauna, an infrared sauna, or a steam sauna, spending time in these heated environments can offer many advantages. 

In this blog, we will explore the importance of saunas. We’ll explore how they can improve your health, relaxation, and well-being.

What is a Sauna?

A sauna is a small, enclosed room or space for dry or wet heat sessions. Ranging from 70 to 100 degrees Celsius (160 to 212 degrees Fahrenheit). 

The origin of saunas can be traced back to various cultures, including the Finnish sauna, Russian banya, and Turkish hammam, each with unique characteristics and traditions.

Saunas are typically wood, with benches or seating areas for individuals to sit or recline. They are equipped with heating elements or stoves that generate heat, such as hot stones or electric heaters. 

The heat inside the sauna causes the body to sweat, promoting relaxation, cleansing, and various health benefits.

Different Types of Saunas

There are different types of saunas that you can build and install. You need to find one that works for you. Here are some helpful tips on the different types of saunas that will make decision-making easier. 

  • Dry Saunas: These saunas provide a dry heat environment, where the air is heated but remains relatively low in humidity. Electric heaters or wood-burning stoves typically heat them.
  • Steam Saunas: Also known as steam rooms, these saunas create a humid environment by generating steam using water and a steam generator. The high humidity helps to open up the pores, induce sweating, and provide a relaxing and cleansing experience.
  • Infrared Saunas: They use infrared heaters to emit radiant heat that directly heats the body without significantly heating the surrounding air. This type of sauna is believed to offer deep-tissue penetration, promoting detoxification and relaxation.

Discover the Incredible Benefits of Saunas for Health and Well-being

Experience the many benefits of building a sauna. Step into the soothing warmth and let the magic begin.

Detoxification and Cleansing

Saunas are renowned for their ability to induce sweat and help detoxification. 

Sweat glands are activated as the body is exposed to heat. This leads to increased perspiration. Sweating helps release toxins, heavy metals, and impurities from the body. Promoting a healthier internal environment. 

Regular sauna sessions can support the body’s natural detoxification process. Leaving you feeling refreshed and revitalized.

Relaxation and Stress Relief

One of the primary reasons people visit saunas is to unwind and relieve stress. The heat and steam in saunas promote muscle relaxation and soothe tense nerves. 

As you sit in the warm environment, your body releases endorphins, natural mood-boosting hormones. This release of endorphins helps reduce stress, anxiety, and feelings of fatigue. 

Leaving you with a profound sense of relaxation and mental well-being.

Improved Circulation and Cardiovascular Health

The heat in saunas causes blood vessels to dilate, promoting better circulation throughout the body. 

This increased blood flow delivers oxygen and nutrients to various organs and tissues. Regular sauna use can also lower blood pressure levels and improve cardiovascular health. 

Individuals with pre-existing heart conditions should consult their healthcare provider before using saunas.

Skin Health and Rejuvenation

Saunas can have significant benefits for your skin. 

The heat and steam open up the pores, helping to cleanse them from within and remove impurities. This deep cleansing can improve complexion and reduce acne and blemishes. 

The increased blood flow to the skin during sauna sessions promotes a healthy glow. It also supports the skin’s natural rejuvenation process.

Muscle Recovery and Pain Relief

The heat in saunas can aid in muscle recovery and reduce pain by increasing blood circulation. 

Saunas help deliver essential nutrients to muscles. This promotes faster healing and reduces muscle soreness. 

Sauna sessions can be especially beneficial for athletes or individuals recovering from injuries. The heat can help relax muscles and relieve tension.

Growing Popularity of Saunas in Brooklyn, NY

Brooklyn, New York, is known for its vibrant culture and trendsetting lifestyle. 

Brooklyn is now witnessing a rising wave of popularity regarding wellness practices such as saunas. Building and installing saunas have become the go-to option for relaxation, rejuvenation, and an escape from bustling city life.

We’ll explore the growing popularity of saunas in Brooklyn, NY, and understand the reasons behind this wellness trend that’s captivating the borough.

A Sanctuary of Serenity

Brooklynites seek refuge in saunas, where they can detach from the outside world and find moments of peace and tranquility. 

Community and Connection

Saunas are spaces for personal relaxation and venues for community and connection. 

Brooklynites embrace the social aspect of saunas, where they can engage in meaningful conversations, build new friendships, and forge a sense of belonging. 

Embracing Cultural Traditions

Sauna culture has deep roots in various cultures around the world. Brooklyn’s diverse population brings a tapestry of traditions to the sauna experience. 

From Finnish saunas to Russian banyas and Turkish hammams, Brooklynites are immersing themselves in different sauna practices, embracing the rich cultural heritage associated with them.

Sauna Construction and Installation Costs

Planning to build your sauna is an exciting venture that can enhance your wellness routine and add a touch of luxury. Understanding the various factors influencing a sauna’s construction and installation costs.

Lucky for you, Ecotone is here to help you build and install your sauna. 


The cost is one of the most important factors when looking for a home sauna. 

What is the best size for your home? Think about what your budget allows and what you’ll use the sauna for.

The size of the sauna is directly proportional to its price. For instance, a two-person 4-foot x 4-foot sauna can cost approximately $2,000, while a four-person 8-foot x 5-foot home sauna costs about $4,200. 


Before you even think about the type of sauna you want, you will need to consider the cost. 

You can choose from several saunas: in-home, outdoor, prefabricated, custom, wood-burning, and dry. Sauna prices vary, but you can expect to spend between $3,000 to $6,000 on a larger sauna with more intricate customizations.


Labor affects the cost of a sauna in several ways, from the material used to build it to the amount of space you have on your property. 

Therefore, determining the cost of a home sauna installation is complicated because labor costs typically account for 30% to 50% of the total installation price. 

Installing a prefab kit ranges from $300 to $1,500 while having a professional install a precut sauna kit costs between $1,500 to $2,500. If you need to hire an electrician and plumber, this will also increase the labor cost of home sauna installation.

Materials and Quality

The choice of materials for your sauna can greatly impact the cost. High-quality and durable materials, such as cedar, hemlock, or other hardwoods, are more expensive but offer longevity and aesthetic appeal. 

The selection of benches, flooring, insulation, lighting, and accessories will contribute to the overall cost of materials.

Heating System

The type of heating system you choose for your sauna will affect the upfront and operational costs. 

  • Traditional saunas often use electric heaters or wood-burning stoves, while infrared saunas use infrared heating elements. 
  • Electric heaters may require professional installation and electrical work, which can increase costs.
  • Wood-burning stoves require ventilation and chimney installation, adding to the overall expenses. 
  • Infrared saunas may have higher upfront costs due to the specialized heating elements.

Ventilation and Insulation

Proper ventilation and insulation are essential for maintaining a comfortable and safe sauna. The right ventilation helps control humidity and ensures good air circulation. While insulation helps keep in the heat. 

Investing in quality ventilation systems and insulation materials may incur additional costs, but they are vital for optimal sauna performance and energy efficiency.

Location and Site Preparation

The location and site preparation requirements can impact the overall construction costs. 

  • If you’re building an outdoor sauna, factors such as excavation, leveling, foundation, and electrical connections must be considered. 
  • Indoor saunas may require modifications to existing spaces, such as converting a room or ensuring proper ventilation and moisture barriers.

Professional Services

Involving professionals, such as architects, contractors, electricians, and plumbers, will add to the construction and installation costs. 

Hiring experienced and reputable professionals ensures the sauna is built safely, according to local codes and regulations, and meets your desired specifications.

That’s where Ecotone can help! 

Are you Ready for Your Sauna?

When planning the building and installation of a sauna, understanding the factors that affect costs is crucial for budgeting and making informed decisions.

Remember that investing in quality materials, craftsmanship, and functionality will contribute to the longevity and enjoyment of your sauna. 

At ECOTONE, we specialize in custom sauna kits to help you transform your space into relaxation and peace. 

You can create a beautiful and functional sauna with the helpful guidance of ECOTONE that fits your budget and brings years of relaxation and well-being to your space.

Learn More About Ecotone